

Feeling so recharged, renewed and inspired from last week after spending 3 days in ritual, ceremony and nature. I feel honoured to have given and received in the powerful energy that aligned with the full moon and halloween. I feel so drawn to be open, honest and passionate about my experiences, as I feel our connection to spirit and being able to experience that innate connection is so beautiful and brings us so much healing. Our connection to spirit has been lost and forgotten here in the West and through that we have lost ourselves and our identity, which brings so much ungrounded and negative emotion. We lose ourselves in material gains and external desires that in the end make us feel empty, which leads us to chasing for more and more. 

In this blog I want to bring awareness to how much more we can experience way beyond the limitations of our 3D world. The synchronistic experiences brought over the weekend show how palpable our connection to spirit is. For me personally I don't understand why we wouldn't want to have these amazing profound experiences in life. Why would we not want to experience magic, have visions, feel connection from something we cannot see. We have an unbelievable ability to connect to spirit. I think it's a shame to go through life without growing or expanding our awareness - why not make the most of what is available to us. Not only that but it will bring some ease and healing to our wellbeing. 7 yeara ago my ego self would not believe I would be writing this, but I'm so glad I am, as this path has brought me healing and pure happiness. My experiences this weekend were really amazing and really needed. 

On Thursday I started a shamanic course with @eddyelsy. My words echo some of his wisdom taught on Thursday, in the journey he led with his drum and channeling, and brought forward some profound journeys for people. I think about 7 people were all connected to a wolf and saw a wolf. Many others were connected to animals and others guides. Some poems were channeled too. I connected with a fox and got told I needed to go to the sea, which helped me immensely. Then on Friday myself and Josie led an animal spirit journey, in the journey again the wolf appeared. A bear was present with me and a ludy bug along with my native guides. Our baby moved everytime I channelled, which was so special for us. People had some amazing experiences with the light language channeling and also saw a bear and ladybug. 

Sunday we headed into nature and the energy was so strong and Halloween like, you could cut through it. Last night my soul sister Fliss led us into a full moon samhain ceremony. I had cacao to assist my journey and we got asked to connect to someone that had passed to see if they had a message for us. I was met by an old friend from my childhood. He passed in my late teens, he came through very strong, he told me to smile and make the most of life. I could feel him around me and I noticed that I never grieved for his death properly as I was trying to stay strong for my family. The tears started flooding, it was actually really nice and beautiful to have this insight. In the journey Felicity’s light language took me so deep, I kept seeing a pig which I know is linked to my ancestors in the New Forest. I also then saw scottish celtic warriors coming forward and roman soldiers. I then asked to be taken deeper and at that point I lost time and space and was taken to an Egyptian cave. A ritual was taking place to a human on a stone bed, next to the bed were two robot-like aliens. I got told these beings do whatever the leaders want, like dogs. I got told the Egyptians were more advanced than any other race, because of their connection to the cosmos, spirit and the stars. They knew about sound, frequency and healing plants. I could see the sanskrit on the walls, I could see a woman's hand running her nails along the sanskrit. 

The experiences that took place for myself and others this weekend in the healing spaces make me so passionate about sharing and offering an insight into what is available. I know it sounds far out, I know it can sound scary, but if you're in the right hands it's not. Spirit will only show itself in the form of what you need. If you work with the right healers and practitioners the space will be lovingly held and protected so you feel safe and seen. I feel honoured to have these people close to me. They are all amazing, and I'm honoured to work with my life partner Josie in this way. The positive thing is we are reconnecting spiritually here in the West and there are some great healers and practitioners to connect with. I don't want to push my experiences on to others or tell people how to live their lives, it's your journey, but why not experience something more than the norm and expand your experiences in this lifetime?


