SOund & energy healing
Creating a safe space for you to connect to your divine consciousness and raise your vibration. Feeding your soul with a sense of oneness and relaxation. Setting you up to create from a state of harmony - understanding that food, ourselves and nature are all interconnected and part of the same source

After 15 years in the music industry as a DJ and producer, I was living a fairly toxic lifestyle in my early days of that journey. 6 years ago that changed forever after my first experience with reiki healing with my love Josie Danielle. This experience opened up a new awareness for me and without thinking about it my diet also changed - conscious portion sizes, more plant-based, less dairy and wheat. 2 years later I got hit by gut issues and the most enlightening news that I needed to change my lifestyle and diet even further. These changes brought a whole load of emotional and mental issues to the surface which delved me even deeper into spiritual practices. With my connection and background with music my first experience of sound healing blew my mind, I had never heard frequencies work round my senses in that way before. These experiences helped to soothe a lot of trauma that I had kept hidden within my previously toxic lifestyle.
It was a natural step for me to start working with sound in a more conscious way, nourishing others into a state healing and opening them up to a new awareness within their being. A huge part of my awakening was with energy healing, this had a profound positive effect on my way of being and it led me into a path of using my own hands to heal myself. The energy and experiences I was witnessing made me want to honour this connection further and be attuned by my partner Josie Danielle who is a Reiki master. Now I share energy healing sessions for others. I am very passionate about this healing modality, it will meet you where you are and give you what you need, it is powerful but also sensitive and we all have the ability to work with it. I give gratitude everyday to this universal life force energy.
I like to work with sound and energy in my sessions, they work in perfect harmony with each other. It is all frequency, energy and vibration. This combination is very clear and direct and will bring balance to your energy centres.
What is sound healing and how can it help?
Sound healing has been used for thousands of years, specifically by the Egyptians and many other communities and tribes. As humans, we connect to sound very deeply and songs can encourage certain emotions or feelings, which is why it’s such a powerful healing tool when used within the correct setting and intentions. We are all made from energy and vibration, so sound can calm our energies and bring our vibration back into balance.
How does this work with food?
Food has life force energy and it is grown to certain energy and frequency, if this is not natural or from a positive place then the food will not taste as good or be as nutritious for our bodies. For instance, organic farming supports no or low chemicals and pesticides, encouraging a wilder, natural network to support the biome of the soil and life around it. The better the soil, the better the food, the better the vibration and energy we can take in. This also relates to the place we are cooking from, for example, if we run around our lunch break stressed trying to pick up a sandwich, it’s highly likely that it won't digest well and we won’t feel that great either. Cooking dishes with high vibe ingredients and from a place of calm will infuse our food with positive energy, giving us more natural life force from what we are eating. You are what you eat. We are part of the earth and it is part of us.
What happens in a session?
The sound healing experience supports you to create space within and welcome the light into every level of your being. You will be lovingly held in a sacred space to receive the healing power of sound through alchemy crystal bowls, native flute, drums and energy. Throughout the journey, I will channel light language through my voice to bring healing and ancient light codes into space. Light language is channelled from spirit into the physical. It ignites deep shifts in mind, body and soul. All you need to do is lie down and be open to receive.
If this calls you I offer 1-2-1 or group sessions. I can also offer these sessions alongside my partner Josie. If you feel the call please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please note, these sessions are currently held online over Zoom
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